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Abilian Innovation Lab


Welcome to the Abilian Innovation Lab!

Our projects


Nua - Nua streamlines the development, selection, installation and resilient operation of web applications in a self-hosted cloud environment.

Python to WASM Compiler.


Cython+: The “Cython+” project aimed to transfer the extremely powerful multi-core concurrent programming model of the Go language to the Python language by relying on scientific and technological approaches stemming from three decades of French know-how in the field of concurrent object programming around Actalk.

Our technology knowledge base

The Abilian Knowledge Base is a comprehensive and centralized resource hub designed specifically for our valued employees, as well as anyone interested in gaining insights into the world of software development. Our aim is to provide you with a wealth of information, best practices, and guidance across a wide range of topics, including business, technology, software development, DevOps, Python, cloud computing, web applications, R&D projects, and more.

This Knowledge Base is meticulously curated and updated by a team of experienced professionals, ensuring that the content remains relevant, accurate, and in line with the latest industry trends. It serves as a platform to foster continuous learning and growth, enabling you to excel in your respective roles within our organization and the broader software development community.

To facilitate easy navigation and help you find the information you need efficiently, we’ve organized the Knowledge Base into several key sections and subcategories, covering both general and Abilian-specific topics.

We encourage you to take full advantage of this rich repository of knowledge, whether you’re looking to enhance your skills, explore innovative solutions, or simply stay up-to-date with the rapidly evolving world of software development. The Abilian Knowledge Base is here to support your professional growth and empower you to excel in your career.

So, let’s dive in and unlock the wealth of knowledge that awaits. Together, we will continue to innovate, learn, and drive success for Abilian and beyond!

Main categories:

Page last modified: 2023-05-06 11:35:20