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Giving feedback

At Abilian, we try to give feedback to our colleagues and partners effectively and without coming across as abrasive. For this, it’s crucial to adopt a constructive approach, which involves following these principles and guidelines:

  1. Adopt a Coaching Mindset: Instead of simply pointing out what’s wrong, focus on guiding the person towards improvement. This involves:
  • Asking questions to understand their perspective and challenges.
  • Suggesting specific, actionable steps for improvement rather than just highlighting flaws.
  • Offering resources or advice that could help them develop their skills.
  1. Distinguish Between Opinion and Fact: When giving feedback:
  • Clearly label your opinions as such. For example, say “I think…” or “In my view…” to clarify that you’re expressing a personal perspective.
  • Back up your feedback with examples or evidence where possible. This helps the receiver understand the context and the basis of your opinions.
  • Encourage a dialogue where the receiver can express their views and reasoning.
  1. Balance Honesty with Tact:
  • Be clear and direct about what needs to be improved, but avoid harsh language or tones that could be perceived as aggressive.
  • Use the “sandwich” method where constructive criticism is flanked by positive comments. This helps to soften the impact and shows that you’re recognizing their efforts and strengths.
  • Emphasize the potential you see in them and your belief in their ability to improve. This encourages a growth mindset.
  1. Practice Empathy and Respect:
  • Put yourself in the receiver’s shoes to understand how your feedback might be received.
  • Respect their feelings and perspectives, even if you disagree. Acknowledge their efforts and the context in which they’re working.
  • Avoid public criticism. Offer feedback in a private setting to prevent embarrassment and defensiveness.
  1. Focus on Specific Behaviors, Not Personal Traits:
  • Target your feedback on specific actions or work products, not on the person’s character or personality.
  • This approach reduces defensiveness and makes it easier for the person to understand and act on your feedback.
  1. Follow Up and Support:
  • Offer ongoing support and check in periodically to discuss progress.
  • Acknowledge improvements and efforts made in response to your feedback. This reinforces positive behavior and shows that you value their growth.

Page last modified: 2024-09-25 08:35:47